Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ice on the Water Bucket

I don't know where the time goes, but here it the end of October and two mornings this past week the water bucket had a skiff of ice on the surface. Hunting season started Friday, a sure sign that the year is slowly winding down.

We added the summer's pullets to the laying flocking, giving us a total of 18 birds in the chicken coop. I spent two days of my vacation earlier this month cleaning out said chicken coop. There was years worth of detritus in one corner from the previous owners. I took it all out and sorted out what could be reused. I made some new roosts and nesting boxes and then introduced the flock.

It took a few days, but eventually the feathers stopped flying and everyone, including duck, is settling into a routine. Best of all, the new hens and duck are beginning to lay eggs. It seemed all summer we were only getting two eggs a day, after having a steady flow all winter it was a little surprising. Now we're up to about eight a day. Which is great because I've had several people ask about obtaining some eggs from us. In fact at last weekend's municipal election I ran into to two neighbours who both expressed interest. With 18 fowl in the coop I hope get up to a dozen eggs a day.

The duck eggs are pretty and we don't notice any difference in the flavour. She's also a riot to watch. We have noticed she doesn't quack as much now that she's free range. The flock roams all over the yard and down into the paddock where they sort through the hay Dahlia and Joe drop.

I went to a garlic workshop this weekend. It was very informative. Today I planted three varieties of garlic. Hopefully it will all grow and thrive.

We've spent the last week putting the wood in the barn and getting it out from the weather. We've already got a start on next year's pile.

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