Thursday, March 15, 2012

March - Pre-Spring

We are experiencing typical spring weather. If I was a maple syrup producer I know I would be stressing-out right about now and worrying about ice breaking the trees or pulling down the sap lines. From my perspective, the world is glazed in silver. We have had rain, freezing rain and snow in the last 24 hours and temperatures hovering near the freezing point. I walked Cole and Oscar (my brother's dog) after work today. The world was strangely quiet with the sleet falling, except for the trees rattling in a light breeze -- their limbs and branches coated with ice.
In a few more weeks fishing season will be starting. The rivers and streams are already ice-free because it has been such a mild winter.
I recently purchased a grow light and plan to set it up this weekend so I can start some tomato plants in the house. I've made my seed list and we've finally decided were we'll start our garden. This year we'll plow up the area where the chickens ran last summer and we'll use part of last year's pig pen for tomatoes, peppers and green.
We collected eggs from our chickens and hatched them in an incubator. Of the 11 we set we had 10 hatch. One has since died and another has a deformed leg and may yet not survive. A couple are barred-rock and the others are barred-Rhode Island crosses. All are very cute, and it will be interesting to see what they look like when they fledge-out. We'll set another batch in a few weeks. Our goal this year is to double the number of birds we raise for our freezer. We're planning using the same model we did last year using pens in the pasture and moving them every day. If we can find them, we'd like to raise a few heritage turkeys too.
In two weeks I'm taking part in a cheese-making workshop. I had signed up for one last fall but it was cancelled. This is a two-day event taking place in Bible Hill. I'm quite excited and looking forward to the experience.

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