Monday, April 13, 2009

Quiet Weekend

Easter weekend has been pretty quiet. Usually we would visit either one set of parents or the other, but we determined we would stay pretty close to home to be on the safe side. My white blood cell count is bottoming out right about now, and we don't want to run the risk of me picking up an infection and needing to go to an emergency room outside of the city.

We took the dogs for a short hike on Friday. Both of them needed the exercise.

On Sunday Rob and I took a drive. Later in the day Kelly and her son, Jody, came out for supper and a visit. Jody entertained us on his guitar. He's quite a talented player and it was an enjoyable way to spend an evening.

This morning we watched snowflakes dash across the yard in a brisk wind. You'd think by mid-April winter would pack up its bags and move on. It is a good afternoon for curling up and reading, which may be the way I spend the rest of my day.

The Gram's Shave-off has now raised $2,100. Way to go ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Susanne, sounds like you had a good, relaxing Easter. It was very quiet for us, too...kind of nice sometimes. Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say hello. Your blog is an enjoyable read! Take care, Mark


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