Sunday, March 15, 2009

Finding Balance

The Hero sometimes just needs to find the right pace. That's what I've been trying to discover this weekend.

So far I've learned it's best to keep the gas tank topped up. If I let myself feel hungry, I quickly move from hunger to nausea. I've also learned that mornings are the roughest. If I take an hour or two to get moving, it works out well.

Second, rest. Kelly came out yesterday. We spent the afternoon vegging and watching movies on TV. Thanks Kelly, you're the best.

Today we went to the Outdoor Show. Actually, Rob went to the show, I sat in the truck and read. We decided it is probably best to avoid large crowds while I'm on chemo and my immune system is compromised. The fresh air and sunlight (I kept protected because I'm told I could be sensitive to the sun) felt good. We grabbed a quick bite at Wendy's (using the drive-through); I stuck with their chicken wrap.

Rob stopped at Wal-Mart and bought me a Wii. I think he hopes it will help me focus outwardly, instead of inwardly. We played for a while this I'm ready to rest.

Cole and I walked up to the end the street. Both of us probably benefited. I know it perked me up to notice my crocus flowers blooming along the driveway.

Foodwise, I'm eating all the time, which I guess is okay. I feel like a rabbit, grazing all day. It'll soon be supper time and I'll be eating again.

Rob's Dad went home today and is doing well. Hopefully nothing but positive updates on that front! Jeff also had a good day. After two weeks he's breathing without help from machines and is close to finally getting out of ICU. Good day all around.


  1. Hey Sue,

    I am in awe of, but not in any way surprised by, your eloquence and creativity in this challenging time. Thanks for not only keeping us up to date, but also entertained and inspired. As you know, I do have a little past history with this foe of yours, and you've got just the right attitude. Keep that chin up, fight the good fight, and walk triumphant. We're all in your corner. Sending a whole heap of love from this lodge in Vermont, Jon M.

  2. Dearest Susanne:
    I have not figured out how to get my block on your site yet, but it will come and if anyone out there can help, please email me? - a new site to me, but the love and appreciation I have for you, Susanne, keeps me into your life with this!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love you, Drenna


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