Monday, April 6, 2009


Heroes often gain new tools (or in the case of video game heroes, new armour or weapons) as they gain strength or skills. Today I donned new head gear.

It turns out having very little hair is a cold proposition. I have a hat, but found the seaming was bothering my now naked head. Rob rummaged through the basket in the hall closet where the hats and scarves reside and started picking out options for me. I discarded several candidates has having too high a wool content, or being too wintry, until he pulled out a long silk scarf that had belonged to my grandmother.

Who knows how old this treasure is; its tag says it was "Made in England Expressly for The English Shop, Calgary, Canada." Its bright red and white paisley print were cheerful, the width was enough to cover my scalp and the material soft enough not to cause irritation. I wore it on my head when we took a drive out to the video store. We have gotten into the habit of buying previously viewed movies and picked up "Atonement" and "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day". We also stopped at Dairy Queen...I had a hankering for brownies and ice cream.

Today's mail included a card from Rob's parents and one from the Zimmermans -- Mr. Zimmerman is a former pastor from Rob's church. Also had calls from Trudy and Kelly, and opened the Day 4 gift from Debbie's box -- a pair of fancy red slippers covered with jewels.

Overall, I felt back to my old self today, except for being famished. As was the case the last time, after it gets past the nausea, my body seems to want to fuel up on the missed food. I can't seem to stop eating.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed as to how well you are still able to write Susanne! I could barely manage to read an email, let alone write a blog! I had never shaved by mustache until I started losing my hair. It's funny how your face catches a new draft of cold air when you've had it covered for about ten years! Congratulations on being able to eat, take full advantage as your body really needs the nourishment more than it ever has.


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