Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bald is Beautiful

The Hero often needs to push himself in new directions, reassess his values, embrace change. And so it was I took the drastic step today of asking Rob to shave my head.

The constant shedding was really beginning to get to me. I could no more than touch my scalp and my hand would come away covered in hair. It was becoming patchy and I'm afraid there are 90-year-old men out there with better coverage than I have. You could say I now have the G.I. Jane look.

I'll post a picture when the light is a little better, and I have some make-up on. Rob tried to take a few photos today and I can only assume the by the fact he did not let me see them that they are not very favorable. I do appreciate his discretion in the matter. He thinks I'm cute with my shaved head, although admits it probably isn't the best long-term look.

Wally and Jen arrived home at 3 a.m. today. I conceded and let Rob go to the airport himself. When the alarm went off I just I had no energy. Just as well, as their flight was delayed by 45 minutes. They enjoyed Cuba and it was nice to hear about their trip; they really liked the resort and said the nightly entertainment was first-class. They both came home sporting tans and looking well-rested.

James, my youngest brother, called tonight. It was good to hear from him, as he has been decidedly quiet since I learned of the diagnosis. As the most sensitive of my siblings (no offence Wally, you have your own attributes), he simply did not know how to handle my news or know how to discuss it. Now that hurdle is past, hopefully he'll remember to just drop me a note from time to time, or send me a silly joke or whatever.

I felt tentative this morning, but breakfast stayed where it belonged and I started to feel more myself by lunch time. Rob went and picked up a few groceries this afternoon, selecting special treats to entice my appetite -- which has worked remarkably well. I love food, and it is annoying to not be able to enjoy it. Rob also spoiled me by returning with flowers, a magazine and a movie from his outing.

Must go cuddle with my Number One Guy. I think there's a movie on to watch. It's been a little chilly and damp and a good weekend for movies -- we already watched "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility" this weekend.


  1. Sue, you are inspirational and awe-inspiring! The cancer should be quaking in its shoes, as you are a foe of immeasurable proportions.

  2. Love your attitude Sue but I am not surprised by it by all means. I read your posts then want to just hug you. It is great you have such an awesome supportive Hubby as well. You Rock Rob!! Much Luv xo


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