Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Fish of Spring

The benefit of good, effective drugs is taking advantage of a beautiful day like today. Rob and I took the dogs to a nearby river and cast out the fly lines for the first time this year. The stoneflies were hatching and Rob caught his first trout of the season.

Tess got bored with the whole affair and chewed her leash in half, which means she probably won't be allowed to go on any more fishing trips for a while.

I still tire easily and after an hour or so I was ready to head home. But it was enjoyable to be casting a fly into the stream. I don't normally get out this early in the year because I'm what we call a fair-weather fisherwoman.

Checked the mail last night and received another card from the Colorado team and a card from the administration team locally -- Beth, Linda and Deborah. Thanks ladies, it gave me a chuckle; I love The Cat in the Hat.

I also received a care package from Trudy -- seasons one through four of Sex and the City, a card from her, homemade cards from her daughters, some trashy romance novels and a "Thingamaboob" which is being sold as a cancer awareness fundraiser in her community. It is a key fob with beads representing the size of lumps women find on their own, versus what a doctor or a mammogram can detect. She also inlcuded a bar of really good chocolate. Thanks Trudy. Kelly and I are planning a "Sex and the City" Marathon next weekend, although the chocolate is already gone.

1 comment:

  1. You're very welcome Sue...wish I were nearer to be part of the marathon but glad to hear Kelly will be there to share the fun - Sex and the City is best shared with friends (-:

    Tracking down the final two seasons to send your way soon!

    Glad to hear you're feeling ok.

    Trudy xo


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