Heroes come in all kinds of different forms. It could be the person who gives up their seat on the bus, or the clerk who provides an extra level of customer service. In today's blog the Heroes I want to talk about are my Mom and her minister, Rev. Barb.
On Sunday, these two women sat down and had their hair cut off for cancer. Rev. Barb started the ball rolling about two years ago (her own daughter has beaten cancer) and Mom started growing her hair in support. I don't think she ever really thought it would get long enough to donate. This is the longest I've ever seen her hair in my life; she's always worn it close-cropped. While Mom stopped short of shaving her head, Rev. Barb went all the way. As one bald woman to another, you have a lovely shaped head Rev. Barb.
The deed was done at the church hall with a good crowd of witnesses (including Wally and his family) and through the three congregations, and additional donations, hundreds of dollars -- plus two heads of hair -- was raised for the Cancer Society. Well done ladies.
Today's weather was driving me crazy. I finally loaded Cole into the truck and drove into the village to pick up some seeds. If I start something green inside, maybe I'll feel like spring is on its way. I shouldn't complain though. I just got off the phone after chatting with Dad for a while. He's in the Yukon working and they have 16-foot snowbanks where he is. He says they push the snow piles around to encourage them to melt faster. Of course, once they melt, then they have to wade through the muck. Fortunately the rain has washed away all the snow here.
One plus side about the weather, I decided it was a perfect day for baking bread. I made two loaves of whole grain bread and played video games...what a way to pass an afternoon. The bread was the perfect accompaniment for the corn chowder I made. What can I say, when my appetite is good, I want good eats.
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