Thursday, March 5, 2009

Radioactive, but no Super Powers

Just back from having a bone scan. The prep time far exceeds the actual length of the process.

The process started with me arriving four hours before the scan so I could be injected with radioactive isotopes. Now I understand why the Chalk River reactor is so important. The isotopes have phosphorus tags which attracts them to bone. The scan picks up these signatures.

Unfortunately I have no super powers following this treatment.

Four hours later I had a head-to-toe scan which took all of 20 minutes.

The good news was Peg and Sam were at another nearby hospital and I was able to meet and have coffee with them. While we were there Rob ran into a friend of his. He was there because his wife just gave birth.

Headed to Rob's parents for the weekend; have to check to see how his dad is making out.

Unfortunately, no Internet access so this will be the only blog for a few days.


  1. Have a great weekend. I hope that Rob's Dad is doing good. So happy you got to meet up with Peg and Sam... I asked her to pass on a hug from me.xo

  2. Sucks that you had no super powers...but curious about Rob's question...did you glow in the dark? Glad we could hook up today, even if our parting was a bit abrupt with us being called into Sam's appointment. Hope Rob's Dad is doing well. Mom is so "let her use whatever she needs" with regards to the wigs, as I knew she would be. Love ya kiddo!!

  3. Hey Aunt Sue,

    Just thought I'd leave a note to say that I'll be following your blog. I hope everything goes well - I'll be thinking about you guys.


  4. Hi there, girlfriend! You might not FEEL as though you have superpowers, but you've always had them! Now you are Super Pook de la Rue. Anyway, I left you a voice mail with my phone number. Give me a call when you can.
    Lots of love,

  5. hey Aunt Sue!
    Im sorry to hear about all this, but you are a great woman and I know that you will stay positive throughout all of this! I just wanted you to know that Ill be reading along as your posting, and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
    I must say, that this is the first time that I have really read anything that you've written, and I will admit, I do enjoy your style!
    Love you!



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