Friday, March 13, 2009

The Over-confident Hero

Sometimes the hero overestimates his skills or strength and ends up in a situation which isn't really going his way because he's too cocky. His enemies might attack and he realizes he needs more preparedness or a better strategy before he faces his foe again. It's fair to say this was my experience yesterday.

I came home from chemo feeling fine, but famished. I ended up spending most of my evening curled up on the couch fighting nausea, in spite of the pills, and finally had a heart-to-heart with the toilet.

I don't know if it was the chemo itself, or eating too much supper, or if it was the wicked headache I developed early in the evening. Possibly it was a combination of all three, plus the tension from earlier in the day. The long and the short of it was a long night of fitful sleep for both of us.

Add to all this an early appointment at the hospital for my MUGA (heart wall) test, and I spent the early part of the afternoon napping. I am feeling much better now, although a little dopey.

Poor Tess seems under the weather too. Rob had to clean up after her at 3 a.m. and again when we got back from the hospital today. A rarity for her, and exceptionally bad timing.

Rob is tired as well. Fortunately it is Friday and we don't have any more appointments until Monday.


  1. Awwwwwww....hope the next few days are better for you. Love ya lots!

  2. It would have to be an extra harsh shock to the system the first few times. Hopefully, there is less nausea with time. You will tough it out.

  3. try to relax for the weekend...maybe play that marker game a little...without Ryan there, you just might win a game or 2!


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