Gifts come in many shapes and sizes and sometimes from unexpected sources.
Today, for example, was a gift all its own. The warm temperatures and sunshine made me feel refreshed and happy. Rob and I made the most of it and took the dogs to Porters Lake Park. Even the wooded trail was relatively snow-free. It was warm enough that I took advantage and went hatless. Rob shaved his head this morning, so even though it was 10C he needed to wear a hat. I expect in another week or so I'll be in the same boat.
Rob's sister, Debbie, sent me a box of goodies. She calls it a Joy Box and I think I counted 16 individually wrapped gifts and some puzzles. Today's gift was a plush hand puppet in the shape of a dog which sings "Close to You". Cole (our black lab) tried to steal it from me when I set it on the sofa to look at the other packages. He loves stuffed animals, but I firmly told him to give it back because it was mine. He looked very disappointed. Some of the packages are marked for specific days (e.g. Barf Day, Down Day, etc.), others are for me to open when I need a lift. The whole package is designed to make me smile and it worked.
We met Wally and Jen at the airport so we could bring their car back here. They are off to Cuba for the week and were very excited. It is Wally's first time flying and neither of them has travelled much.
Wally had a package for me too. It had come via Mom to his place (she's watching their kids for the week), from two women in my home church. Bonnie sent a wonderful magnetic note holder with an uplifting scripture verse and Sheila sent a lovely angel. All these unexpected presents are delightful (although totally unnecessary).
I got another card on Friday, from the management team at the office. All the kinds words and thoughts are humbling. Thank you everyone. You can't begin to know how much it means and how much I draw on it.
The hair is now coming out in handfuls. I already walked into the bathroom once today and picked up the scissors, before thinking better of it. I'm debating hacking it off short just to save the aggravation of vacuuming it off the floor. It is pretty bad when I'm shedding worse than Cole.
Mom told me about the box she was sending you. She was getting a real kick out of it and was looking forward to you having a good laugh!
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better as time goes on, and just so you know, you've remained in my prayers!