Well, spring is slowly taking the reins from winter. This week has brought mild temperatures and rain; as result the snow is finally retreating.
I just came in from poking around the yard: Tulips are starting to spear leaves through the ground, my rhubarb is poking up through the dead leaves, garlic leaves are shooting up through the straw and the cold frame appears to be thawed.
The chickens and Miss Maple, the white turkey, were out in the front yard this morning. Watching them I get the distinct impression they too are tired of winter. They reveled in scratching through the dead leaves, mud and sticks on the lawn. Miss Maple tried to take a dust bath, but ended up in a mud bath instead. Still she seemed happy about it. We're surprised she's still with us as there were several times this winter we expected to see her die. She is more hardy than she looks.
Speaking of turkeys, we collected eggs from the mixed flock this week and we have 11 in the incubator. Hopefully they're all viable and we get a good hatch. We'll know a little more in a week and more yet in 28 days.
Spring is coming to the farm. This week Rob started cutting the winter's fire wood. I'm ready to start digging in the garden and get some beds ready for early/cold tolerant plants. Of course I'm hoping to convince Rob to fit in time to help me construct the green house. It's a two person job... but then pretty much everything is these days.
I'm quite looking forward to the season. We have our water collection system up and running, so a dry spell won't be as much of a concern as it has in the past. I'm planning on trying to grow kale this year as well as the normal assortment we plant. Plus more carrots, more potatoes and more onions.
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