Friday, May 27, 2011

Middleton Market

What a beautiful day. It's been breezy up here on the mountain, but the sun has been shining on and off all day.

I started the morning with a ramble through the fields with Cole. Rob, Ian and Dave were off to the Annapolis River early this morning to start leg one of the annual Amigos Fishing Weekend. Dave caught his first shad and I guess this means the formula used to determine who takes home the trophy will need to be tweaked as it only accounts for pickerel and bass.

When they returned from the river, Cole and I gave Dave the nickle tour of the property before they loaded the boat to head to the lakes.

I spent the afternoon visiting an old friend and learning from a master gardener. I still have to take it easy, so I watched as Debbie G. filled a bed with snap dragons. I toured their new barn to get ideas of what to do with our barn and left with an armful of fresh rhubarb and a promise for some plants this fall so I can grow my own for future years.

One the way home I stopped at the used bookstore in Middleton and picked up a copy of "The Good Life" a book which is considered the forerunner of books for people seeking self-sufficient living. I think all of the books Rob and I have purchased over the last year reference this book.

My final stop of the day was the Middleton Farm Market. I picked up two loaves of bread, a birthday gift for Trudy and two tomato plants from Annapolis Seed.

I think I'll make a rhubarb jam and try that with the bread.

Overall, a busy day and I'm feeling good. I need to behave myself for the rest of the weekend -- no heavy lifting, no stretching. Hopefully the nicer weather will hold and Cole and I can spend some time outdoors.

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