Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Van Morrison, Norah Jones -- The Soundtrack to Radiation

Today was treatment 11 as well as my regularly scheduled session with the nurse/resident or radiologist. Today I saw the nurse. My treatment seems to be going well and the skin is still only mildly pink. The nurse seemed quite pleased with it when she looked at it today.

Each day when I go in the staff has a CD playing in the background. The first week it was a CD of Van Morrison tunes; this week it is a Norah Jones disk. I try to listen to the music while I'm being pushed and pulled and lined up with the machine, it also helps me stay relaxed during the process. I sometimes feel like I'm a piece of clay because the most minute adjustments are them just pushing on my skin. I asked about it the other morning because it seemed to be taking longer than usual to get set up and I was told sometimes the movements are to line up the marks by fractions of millimeters. I don't know whether to be comforted by such precision or to be worried -- what happens if I sneeze or yawn? Am I going to accidentally radiate an area which should not be radiated?

I had an eye appointment last week. My vision has changed a little (surprise, surprise) but fortunately it isn't a great deal. I'm going to try contact lenses again. I tried them the last time, but nothing quite fit the shape of my eye and I didn't find them comfortable. However, as with everything these days, the technology has changed and there are several new products on the market I can try.

Rob is gearing up for deer hunting season. We'll spending opening weekend in Pictou (which means I don't have to lay in a supply of Halloween treats and won't be left eating them either). Then he heads to Colorado for his annual company meeting. He'll be gone six days...I may paint the kitchen ceiling while he's out of town. I'll have to wait to see how my energy is.

I've heard through the grapevine that Socrates' surgery has gone well and he should be home this week. My friend Sharon is undergoing some tests today, and is still hospitalized.

I had a card from the crew in Colorado in the mail today.

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