Monday, August 17, 2009

The Road Ahead

We've talked a lot about mentors in relation to the Hero's journey. Sometimes these are people who simply provide information to better prepare the Hero for the next leg of the journey. Sometimes, through these mentors the Hero meets other people who provide additional information. Today I met with Lisa, a nurse with the Breast Health Clinic. She talked to me about the upcoming surgery and the details around it. She also called for an anesthetic consultation as well.

Never having had any surgery before, the upcoming event has me a little nervous. Where do I go? Who do I see? Do I need my pajamas? Where can Rob sit and when can he see me again? What happens after surgery? What is a drain and how big is it? What do I do with a drain? And what do I need to do to look after myself post-surgery?

Lisa and I talked for about two hours this morning as she walked me through everything from when I arrive at the hospital and register to the exercises I'll need to do at home. She even has my follow-up appointments scheduled for September; the first to check/remove my drains and the second to review the pathology report on the tissue removed.

Lisa showed me a drain and how to work it. She had one in her office and let me play with it to see how it feels and how it works. She also showed me the arm exercises I need to do following surgery and answered my questions about mobility. She's also sent on a referral to the lymphedema clinic (today a standard procedure). It's much easier to try to prevent lymphedema than it is to manage it.

Overall it was a lot of information to take in. I took copious notes, but Lisa also ensured everything was written down in the handbook I received. In addition she asked lots of questions and filled out the pre-op paperwork for the surgery.

Because I've had chemo, which is hard on the heart, she had me have an electro-cardiogram (ECG) and meet with an anesthesiologist. He too had a bunch of questions for me, and after discussing my treatment thus far and reviewing the ECG was quite confident I wouldn't have any problems with being put under. He also explained they would put in a tube to help me breathe during surgery, but that it would be removed immediately following the operation, before I wake up.

Overall the surgery will take about three-and-a-half hours and then a couple more in recovery. Rob will be able to stay with me until I go into surgery and then he'll have to wait in the waiting room. We're both a little nervous about the upcoming surgery, so it is nice we're going away this weekend.

The visit with Trudy and her girls was a lot of fun. We took Emily and Grace geocaching and on Sunday we all went to Kelly's Beach Day where we went clam digging and played in the waves.

In today's mail I received a card from Kathy E. Tomorrow I'm headed to the Valley and the Exhibition with Jen and the kids.

1 comment:

  1. Have I mentioned that you are one of my heroes? I think you're amazing Sue. You talk about all the mentors you have met on this "journey" and I have to wonder how many people you have become a mentor to yourself.

    Love you kiddo


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