It becomes more and more difficult to blog as each day passes with no new information and nothing happening but the waiting.
I did speak with the nurse at the breast clinic earlier in the week. She says the office of the plastic surgeon is closed until Monday for vacation. I have a tentative appointment with plastic surgeon for August 13. The nurse says I should call on Monday to see if there is any way to bump the date up. I need to consult with the surgeon about my options and if I can do that earlier, I could still have surgery as early as the 13th.
In terms of pre-surgery preparation I had the mammogram and I am now scheduled for an ultrasound on July 31. I'll also have blood work done that day too in preparation for surgery.
Meanwhile, I have heard from my colleague in Colorado. Socrates' treatment is working and his cancer markers are back to "normal" levels. In his words, "it shows progress is being made, but we still need to hit it with everything and finish strong." He has more chemo next week and he too is trying to arrange surgery. Unfortunately Rob's cousin, Liz, lost her battle on Sunday. Her funeral was yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family.
This week I received cards from Kathy E., my colleagues in Halifax and my cousin Helen who included a inspirational magnet with hers.
I continue to work on regaining my strength and losing some of the weight put on over the past months. On Monday and Tuesday I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and yesterday I walked for 30. I'll aim for 30 again today, although if the rain holds off I might actually get Cole out for a walk. Last night I prepared a new recipe -- spaghetti squash and meatballs. It was very good and an excellent way to eat more vegetables.
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