The Hero's Journey eventually leads to the inmost cave where he vanquishes the bad guy, grabs the elixir and returns home to share all his secrets. I'm not quite there yet, but today marks a huge milestone in my treatment -- the end of chemotherapy!
I wasn't alone either. Four other patients wrapped up their chemo regimens today as well. When a patient finishes treatment, they are allowed -- no, encouraged -- by the nurses to ring a bell in the chemo ward and share the good news with everyone there. The remaining patients cheer and clap for those who are moving on to their next phase. This was the first time I had witnessed this joyful tradition and I was kind of jazzed to take part in it myself. The nurses were wonderful, hugging each of the bell-ringers in turn and telling us the next time they see us it had better be somewhere other than the hospital.
We stopped on the way home for ice cream to celebrate the momentous occasion.
But before leaving the hospital I picked up the medication to boost my white blood cells. Today's chemo nurse told me to expect aches in the major joints and the long bones of my legs because the marrow will be working extra hard to create new cells rapidly, and it can't get them into my blood stream quickly enough so it feels like there isn't enough room for all the cells. I've been told to take extra strength Tylenol every four hours and Advil if I need something more. I start the injections on Sunday, with the VON coming out to help with at least the first one.
Meanwhile, the mailbox has been busy. I received cards from Diane and Richard, Debbie B (Rob's former sister-in-law) and Lisa. Lisa's card included a token to help focus my energy on healing. Thank you also to all who have left notes on my Facebook page and/or emailed me. I believe the ongoing support I've received has made this part of my journey bearable. The road is still long, but I feel strong and ready to take on the next phase with everyone behind me.
This weekend is Rebecca's wedding and we'll be hitting the road tomorrow afternoon and spending two nights with Rob's parents. We haven't been there since March when we spent one night with his mother and visited his dad in hospital. They don't have Internet access so there won't be any updates until Sunday night or Monday (depending on how I'm feeling post chemo).
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