My doctor's appointment went fine yesterday. She's very pleased with how things are progressing. We both received a letter from the genetics clinic summarizing my appointment, although we're still waiting for the results.
It is getting to the time when we have to start making some decisions. We've already moved past the point of lumpectomy or mastectomy, with the latter the final decision. Now we need to decide one or two. If we know the results of the BRCA1 testing it will be clear-cut. Talking with the surgeon will likely provide some more insight, but at this point I'm leaning towards a double mastectomy. I really want to mitigate the risk for recurrence.
Next week will be round five of chemo, and by the end of June this portion of the journey will be complete. I'm looking forward to putting it behind me.
Hi Susanne.... I love the T-shirt....thanks for sharing that and your journey. I don't usually comment, but I always make sure I read your blog, and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you will be feeling up to the Sackville Relay for Life next week. I never miss it now that I have experienced it. Take care.... Beth