Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No News is Good News

I've had people complain that I'm not posting, that I haven't updated my blog recently. The main reason is simple, no news is good news.

This week I learned the last surgery in the rebuilding process is schedule for May 24. A couple of hours on the table and home the same day. The surgeon puts on the finishing touches, does a little fine-tuning and removes the ports. After that I'm done -- until the 10-year tune-up.

In other news we're selling the city house.

We list it this week. We've decided, even though its a long way from my work, we want to be in the country full time. We'll figure out a way to make it work. If I go back to the whole analogy of The Hero's Journey, this final move is part of the elixer, the essence of that with which the hero returns. The journey has shown me this is how I want to live me life, closer to nature, more self-sufficient and in-tune with myself and my surroundings.

We started our garden in the country last weekend, planting cold-hardy crops of spinach, shallots, lettuce and swiss chard. We're anxious to see what pokes up through the established flower beds and I'm waiting expectantly for the apple trees and lilac bushes to bloom.

If you check back you may find this blog is about a different journey. One where we explore the land, and learn its secrets. One where we share with you the thrill of seeing a hawk sitting at the edge of the field or the deep satisfaction of hearing the first frogs of spring.

One truth we've learned since we began this journey: you never know what's around the next bend, or over the horizon, so you best make the most of it and enjoy each moment.

Blessings to you all.