We had brunch with Ian, June, Dave and Ange a little over a week ago. June confided she had just learned another of her friends had breast cancer. It was a woman she had urged to get a mammogram following my own diagnosis. I am relieved she took June's advice and was tested. By catching it early her treatment plan should be a lot easier to handle and she may be able to have a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy. If I my experience means at least one woman gets tested and catches cancer in its earliest stages, well, it makes what I've gone through easier to understand.
Last weekend we were in Pictou. Rob was finishing up the hunting season there. Four beautiful does stood on the front lawn and grazed their way to the back while we watched. He only had a buck tag, so they were off limits. His mother called tonight to say they spent the last hour watching four deer in their yard, including a four-point buck. Oh well, there's always next year.
While in Pictou, Rob drove to Antigonish to visit with one of his former co-workers. Rhonda raises sheep and sells meat, blankets and other woolen products. She very generously sent a scarf to me. It's beautiful and knowing it is made from fleece of her flock makes it very special.
I started writing Christmas cards today. I sent one bunch off and hopefully will have the rest sent out by the end of the weekend. Several are going to the States and I'm hoping they make it in time for Christmas. I did receive a note from Julie post-radiation, congratulating me on another stage completed.
I also heard back from Casting for Recovery. The program teaches women with breast cancer how to fly fish and provides and opportunity to speak with others going through the same issues. It was supposed to take place in October, but with the H1N1 virus being so prevalent it was postponed until February. It now seems the event will take place not in Ontario as originally scheduled, but in Bermuda. Bermuda in mid-February...I think I can handle that. I won't have all the details until the new year but I'll share them as soon as I get them.
I finally received a call from the Lymphodema Clinic. I'm schedule to attend a session in February. There is a slight possibility if someone cancels I'll make the session in January. The program will help me identify ways to prevent this permanent side-effect and ways to manage it if it does develop. I'm hoping I'll get some exercises and a sense of what I can do and should avoid.
All in all, it has been pretty busy lately. I attended the staff Christmas party, started shopping, have some of the decorations up and I've been trying to get out several times a week walking.